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   Главная / Pazilova Asem Khusanovna

Pazilova Asem Khusanovna



Pazilova Asem Khusanovna was born on May 17, 1997 in the city of Taraz. In 2015 she graduated from the gymnasium No. 39 named after I. Panfilov in the city of Taraz, in 2015 she entered the Faculty of Philology of the Taraz State Pedagogical University with a degree in foreign languages: two foreign languages ​​(English-Korean). After graduating from the bachelor`s degree in 2019, she entered the Faculty of Philology of the Taraz State Pedagogical University to study for a master`s degree in the specialty "Training teachers of foreign languages", and in 2021 she graduated from the master`s program. Since September 2021, he has been working as a teacher at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay.



Educational institution


Еxpiration date

Taraz State Pedagogical University

Philologist, Bachelor


Taraz State Pedagogical University

Master`s degree




Name of academic degree

Scientific area

Year of graduation

Master of Education Sciences

Scientific and pedagogical direction




Foreign Language, Advanced Foreign Language (English)

Bachelor`s degree: practical foreign language for 1st year students, advanced foreign language for 3rd year students.



In connection with the development of the creative potential of future teachers of foreign languages, the following articles have been published.

"The essence and content of the creative potentional of future foreign language teacher." Topical issues of teaching a foreign language in higher education.

"The role of competence-based approach in developing creative potential of a future foreign language teacher." "SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE MODERN WORL.D: CHALLENGES OF THE XXI CENTURY" materials of the VII International scientific-practical. Conf.

"The use of technology for the development of critical thinking in teaching a foreign language" at the LXXXII International Scientific Conference "Actual Scientific Research in the Modern World".


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