03.04.2023 Dear professors, lecturers, doctoral and master students!
On April 6, 2023 at 14.00, the Department of Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU holds the university-wide scientific-methodological online seminar on "Reflexive practice - the basis of enhancing the research activity of the teacher. The purpose is to discuss the possibilities of enhancing the research activity of university teachers through the introduction of reflective practice in their professional activities.
The moderator - Aiman Ezhenkhanovna Berikhanova, research professor at Abai KazNPU.
Presentations and speakers: Influence of pedagogical reflection on quality and effectiveness of teachers`research work (Aiman Berikhanova, Research Professor, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University); Key mechanisms and stages of introducing reflective practice in professional activities of teachers in the context of development of their research activity (Nurgali Elshibekov, Academic Director, JOO High Schools); International models of reflective teaching (Bayan Sapargalieva, PhD, post doctoral student).
The agenda includes discussion, Q&A, and constructive suggestions. The event will take place in online format.
Online connection via Zoom is possible at the link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81460462520?pwd=Q245c1BHQkZPamxPbG9USGswZDNzQT09
Conference ID: 814 6046 2520
Access code: 780036
Time: April 6, 2023, 14:00 Astana