About us | ![]() Meirkhan Symbat
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY She was born on 9 January, 1990 in the Derbulzhin district of the Tarbagatai region of China. In September 1995, she was enrolled in the 1st grade of the Chinese secondary school N1 in the Burbilzhinsky district of the Tarbagatai region. In July 2004 she graduated from high school (9 classes). From September 2004 to July 2007 she studied and graduated from secondary school No. 36. In September 2008, she entered the Xinjiang Pedagogical University, and in 2012 she graduated with a bachelor`s degree in Chinese Language and Literature. In September 2013, she entered the magistracy of KazUIR and WLnamed after Abylaikhan, in 2015 she graduated from this university with a degree in Oriental Studies. From 2012 to 2013 she worked as a translator in a private clinic of oriental medicine. In 2015-2019 she worked as a translator in a private Chinese company. Since September 2021, she has been working as a master, teacher at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.
Subjects taught Второй иностранный (китайский) язык , Методика преподавания второго иностранного (китайского) языка, Основы теории изучаемого языка/китайский
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY At the moment, the author of 3 scientific articles on the Chinese language: 1. Конфуцийшілдік этикалық-саяси ілімінің қазіргі Қытай қоғамына әсері 2. Конфуцийдің ілімінің негіздері 3. Конфуцийдің негіздері жане еркшелікдері
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