About us | ![]() Arziev Ruslan Uygurovich
Year of birth: 1961. Place of birth Almaty region, Uyghur district, village of Ketmen. 1980-1985 student of AbaiKazPI. 1985-1988 yy. A high school teacher Sharyn Tashkarasu the Uighur district of Almaty region. From 1988 to 1990 researcher At the Institute of Uighur studies Of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan. 1990-2012 Teacher, associate Professor of the faculty of Philology ofAbaiKazNPU. 2012-2020 yy. coach Of the center for level programs of JSC NCPC "Orleu", head of the Department of preschool education and socialization of the individual. Member of the Union of journalists of Kazakhstan. Author of about a hundred scientific, popular science articles and two monographs, co-author of textbooks for grades 7, 8, 9, and 10 of General education schools in the Uyghur language and guidelines for teachers. In 1994-1995, at the invitation of the TIKA in the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Turkey, was writing a General grammar of Turkic languages in TDK in Ankara, in writing comparative dictionary of Turkic languages on philosophy, political science, sociology, jurisprudence, created with YassauiICGS in 1997. Trainer on the program of professional development of teachers of the Kazakh language in the framework of level programs of professional development of teachers (basic) level and updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT Bachelor: Methods of teaching Uyghur language, methods of teaching the updated content of the Uyghur language, methods of teaching updated content of Uyghur literature, the theoretical basis of the study of language, introduction to literary studies, lexicology and phraseology of modern Uyghur language, a linguistic analysis of artistic text, history of the Uyghur literature to the fourteenth century, the syntax of the modern Uighur language, etc.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY the areas of research, number of publications Turkology, language history, Uyghur studies, etymology, methodology. Author of about a hundred scientific, popular science articles and two monographs (the poem "KutadguBilik" and lexical and grammatical features of its language" -1996, "Uyghur language"-2006, updated version 2019) 1." knowledge of Kudaji " and its lexical and stylistic features. - Almaty: Nauka, 1996. - 226 b (in Uyghur language). 2. Uyghur language: teaching and learning. - Almaty: Mir, 2019. - 592 b (in Uyghur). 3. The formation and development of Uyghur linguistics in Kazakhstan. International scientific journal" world of the big Altai "2 (2.2), 2016. 4. structural and semantic features of comparisons in "KutadguBilik". The poem" KutadguBilik " is devoted to the process of globalization.- Almaty, 2016. 5.In the work of Ahmad Yugnaki "atasatulgakic". Ahmet Benaki. AtasatulGayi. - Almaty: The World In 2018. - 104 p.
SCIENTIFIC AND methodological activities-research topics, number of publications He is a co-author of textbooks for grades 7, 8, 9, and 10 of secondary schools in the Uyghur language and guidelines for teachers. 1. Uygur tili. Textbook for pedkolledzhey. - Astana: Folio,2004. (in Uyghur language) 2.the value of the assessment for training. Republican scientific and methodological, informational and educational magazine "Kuzyretti pedagogue". №3, 2015. 3. New training: methods and practices. Almaty: The World In 2017. - 286 p. (Co-authored with sh. Omarov) (in Uyghur language)
AWARDS Certificate of honor of the Ministry of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1995) Winner of the independent award " Ilham»
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