Departement of Foreign Languages | ![]() Department of Foreign Languages keeps pace with the times The Department of Foreign Languages of the Institute of Philology carries out scientific, research, educational activities and educational work among students, as well as carries out postgraduate training of scientific and pedagogical staff.
The teaching staff of the Department of Foreign Languages is represented by 35 teachers, as well as 10 part-time workers. The research work of the teaching staff of the department is planned, coordinated by the scientific sector (responsible - MA, teacher Ismailova D.B). The research activity of the department is aimed at improving the quality of training of scientific and pedagogical staff that meet the standards of university education in the field of foreign languages.
The staff potential of the department: out of 35 full-time employees: doctors of philological sciences, professors - 2; Professors-2; Candidates of Philological Sciences, Associate Professors - 2; Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professors -2; PhD, Associate Professor-1, PhD, senior lecturer -1; senior teachers - 10; teachers - 17.
Assessment of the state of the solvable problems of the research work of the unit.
The research work at the Department of Foreign Languages is aimed at studying the methodological problem of learning foreign languages in secondary schools and pedagogical universities.
Republican educational and methodological seminar "Planning and integration of CLIL technology in the educational system of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
On December 7, 2022, the Department of Foreign Languages and the Center for Teaching Excellence of Kazakh National Pedagogical university named after Abai held an educational and methodological seminar. The seminar was attended by CLIL teachers of secondary and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as teachers of the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute (Uzbekistan).
During the seminar, topical issues and problems of integrating CLIL technology into the educational process were discussed. The presentations were made by doctor of philological sciences, prof. T.T.Ayapova., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences., assoc. prof. Z.A.Kemelbekova., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences., B.E.Bukabaeva., masters of pedagogical sciences. Yessenaman S.E., Degtyareva K.S., Ismailova D.B., Serikbai M.M. The seminar participants were presented with the program of the CLIL teachers` advanced training course and the teaching manual "Пән мен тілді кіріктіріп оқытудың теориясы мен практикасы". The participants of the seminar noted the relevance, usefulness and novelty of the seminar. At the end, all participants were issued certificates.
The teachers of the department carried out business trips with the aim of participating in events of various levels (advanced training; exchange of experience; examination and review of test items for teachers; participation in an international seminar).
Within the framework of the intra-university research project for 2022, MA, senior teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages Tleubai S. T., Zhauynshieva Zh. B., Oralkanova Zh. A., Yessimkulova S. S. on the topic "Development of emotional intelligence in future teachers of English through foreign language communication" visited Gedik University.
As part of the project, a round table "Emotional Intelligence: problems and solutions" was organized on 20.10.2022.
Teachers of the department take an active part in various international seminars, courses organized by Oxford University Press and the British Council, as well as in Almaty, as well as in Almaty, organized by the funds of the Kazakhstan Orleu Training Center), and also take part in various competitions of grants and scientific awards, which contributes to the expansion of the scientific and educational space of the department. During the reporting period, 4 teachers of the department received international IELTS certificates (Kurmambayeva Zh.B, Berkinbaeva G., Zhauynshieva Zh. B., Oralkanova Zh.A), 4 teacher - certificate of Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) of the University of Cambridge (Sultankulova Sh. U., Mysekeeva A., Seidalieva G.O., Kulekenova Zh.G.).
The main objectives of the development of research work is to attract students to research work starting from the first year. The department supervises the scientific work of undergraduates and students who annually make presentations in scientific conferences.
Report on the scientific work of the chair of foreign languages for 2020 |