18.04.2022 Meeting of the Department of Professional Training of EP «Special Pedagogy» will be held
On April 29, 2022 at 11:00, at the enlarged meeting of Professional Training Department of EP «Special Pedagogy» there will be discussed dissertation work of G.I.Ibatova for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on specialty «6D010500-Defectology» at Abai KazNPU on theme «Development of word forming skills of preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech».
The event will take place in offline and online formats.
The dissertation is done at Abai KazNPU.
The language of the defence is Kazakh.
THE SCIENTIFIC CONSULTANTS: Satova Akmaral Kulmagambetovna - Professor, Abai KazNPU, Almaty, Kazakhstan; Ewa Maria Kulesza - Professor, Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education, Warsaw, Poland.
OFFICIAL REFERENCES: Omirbekova Kutzhan Kudaibergenovna - Ph.D., Professor of KazNPU named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan (specialty code: 13.00.03); Makhmetova Aigerim Amanovna - Senior teacher of the department of «Special Pedagogy», Abai KazNPU, Almaty, Kazakhstan (code of specialty: 010500).
ZOOM https://zoom.us/j/7236187660?pwd=b3M4cFJxUHFnZnpuU3kyWW8vNzg0QT09#success
Conference ID: 7236187660
Access code: 1
Address: 31 Tolebi str., educational building 3 (1st floor, room 17), Almaty, 050010