About us | ![]() Taizhanov Ulan Orynbaevich
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY (no more than 150)I was born in Talgar, Almaty region, graduated from the school of Almaty region, Zhambyl district, University in Almaty. Then master`s degree, defense of master`s thesis, work in schools and colleges in Almaty, doctoral studies. Work in KazNPU. I have more than 15 published works. I combine scientific and teaching activities.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Undergraduate courses: Cognitive linguistics, Latin alphabet based on the Kazakh language, Lexicology of the Kazakh language,Undergraduate courses: Cognitive linguistics, Latin alphabet based on the Kazakh language, Lexicology of the Kazakh language, SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY- research topics, number of publications (specify 5 significant ones) Works on problems related to the field of axiological science, to the field of ethno-cultural interaction of Western and Eastern cultures. Has more than 15 publications, - The semantics of axiological linguistics (Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abai. Philological Sciences series #3) - Ethno-political framework for the assessment. ("Horse, kokbor, Baiterek" based on concepts) (Bulletin of Kokshetau state University series "Philological Sciences", no. 3.2017.) - The concept of value in axiological linguistics ("Art and science of Kazakhstan" international scientific and cognitive journal. ISSN 2073-333X #1 (54) 2018.) - In the concept of "horse", the concept of "horse"as an ethno-cultural value has a symbolic character ("1 st Eurasian Conference on Language and Social Sciences" materials of international conferences. Turkey. Antalya.) - In the definition of ethno-cultural values ("Babalarsozi - rukhanizhangyrudynKainar Kozi" collection of the international Symposium AOZH 821.0SCIENTIFIC AND - One article in the journals of the database "Scopus" (Lingvo-axiological description of ethnocultural values determination. Journal Opcion , vol.36, №91 1539-1531., 2020. E- IISN: 1012-1587 (Q3)
METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY -research topics, number of publications (specify 5 significant ones). Works on the problems of forming the speech culture of high school students - "Ways of forming the speech culture of high school students" Bulletin of AbaiKazNPU. Series "Philological Sciences" # 2(52), 223-page - "Methodological approaches to the formation of students speech culture ""Kazakh language in the communicative cultural system: theory and practice" international scientific and practical conference. 298-p. - "Psychological features of high school students questions of definition. ""Professor G. K. Zhubanov and scientific and methodological research in the field of modern linguistics, literary studies and methods" international scientific and practical conference. 394-p. - "Ways to optimize multimedia tools." Materials of the Republican scientific and educational seminar of KazNPU. Abai`s. 183-p. - "In the context of multilingualism in non-linguistic universities, ways to optimize the use of multimedia tools in teaching the state language.» 6-р
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