14.03.2022 International conference «Linguacultural personality in the contemporary world» will be held
Department of Foreign Languages of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education invites you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical (online) conference «Linguacultural personality in the contemporary world» dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the scientific and pedagogical experience of T.Ayapova, Doctor of Philological Sciences, and Professor, Knight of the orders «Kurmet» and «Parasat», winner of the award «Best Researcher» 2021. The event will be held On March 16, 2022 at 11.00.
The main thematic directions of the conference: 1. The role of the first language personality in foreign language learning 2. Actual problems of Foreign Language Education of the 21st Century 3. Problems of Intercultural Communication in Foreign Language Education
Zoom Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/95538100529?pwd=Z2ZuWjNYVUM0eTZSYlhMUERJZXhmQT09
Conference ID: 955 3810 0529
Conference Access Code: 798468