қазақша · русский · english
 Laiskhanov Shakhislam Uzakbaevich
Leader of the Council of Young Researchers
PhD doctor
30 Kazybek bi str., office 611

 Jarylkapova Sandugash Esenbekovna
Head of the Information Committee of the Council of Young Researchers
Kazybek Bi str, 30

 Utemissova Arailym Zhubatkanovna
Head of the Scientific and Methodological Committee of The Council of young researchers Senior teacher
PhD, senior lecturer
Kazybek Bi str., 30

 Baibol Alibek Ualikhanovich
Head of Collaboration сommittee of the Council of young researchers

 Usenov Nurbol Ergeshovich
Head of the Ethics committee of Tthe Council of young researchers
PhD doctor


The Council of Young Researchers is an advisory organization of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.


The main purpose of the Council`s activities is to create a platform for the exchange of experience of young researchers and the organization of events aimed at providing scientific and methodological support to their scientific work, as well as the popularization of science through the promotion of scientific achievements and works of the university, including young researchers.


The main tasks of the Council:

- formation and renewal of the council with the involvement of talented young researchers in the Council of Young Researchers and the definition of the goals and objectives of the council and the preparation of a plan;

- creation of a platform for the exchange of experience of young researchers;

- providing scientific and methodological support to young researchers of the University in conducting fundamental and applied research;

- conducting joint research and activities by establishing contacts with young scientists of domestic and foreign scientific and scientific-pedagogical institutions and councils of young scientists;

- popularization of science through the promotion of scientific achievements and works of the university, including young researchers.


The Council is divided into 4 committees. Each committee has its own function:

Scientific and Methodological Committee. It is engaged in organizing and conducting scientific and methodological events, advising young researchers in scientific and methodological areas, developing proposals related to stimulating the research of young researchers and solving existing problems.


Information Committee. It carries out work on the promotion of science by holding events and consultations on working with scientific information, informing the university`s website about the council of young researchers, maintaining the council`s pages in social networks.


Scientific Ethics Committee. It is engaged in conducting events on the ethics of science and research culture, explanatory work among young researchers on the principles of "ethics in science", "academic honesty" and organizing social and educational work among young researchers.


Collaboration Committee. It deals with issues of interaction and cooperation with domestic and foreign organizations and their councils of young scientists, work with intra-university scientific organizations, including student circles, career guidance of young people and their involvement in science.


Order on the composition of the Council of Young Scientists

Regulations on the Council of Young Scientists

The work plan of the Council of young scientists

Composition of the Council of Young Scientists