Round table dedicated to the 105th anniversary of Kayum Mukhamedkhanov to be held
On the eve of the 30th anniversary of independence of the country - December 10, 2021 - a round table «Er Kazakh ezhelden erkindik ansagan», dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the founder of Abay studies, auezov studies, Alash studies, literary textology Kayum Mukhamedkhanov...» will be held.
The purpose of the event, organized within the framework of the state program of elbasy N. A. Nazarbayev «Rukhani zhangyru - bolashakka bagdar», is to popularize the scientific and journalistic heritage of the outstanding scientist Kayum Mukhamedkhanov, to give the younger generation a wide understanding of the life path, activities of a unique person, his great contribution to Abay studies and the work of the scientist in the development of the first Abay Museum. It is an adaptation of the younger generation to improve their spiritual knowledge and skills, calling them to respect and respect the rich heritage, deep knowledge and written works left behind by the great teacher K. Mukhamedkhanov.
Kayum Mukhamedkhanov is a scientist who has devoted his entire life to the science of Abay studies. Many of his articles in the field of literary studies marked a new milestone in Kazakh literature and outlined the directions of development of Kazakh literature. In addition, the fact that Kayum Mukhamedkhanov found today`s descendants of victims of political repression and wrote a biography made an invaluable contribution to the country`s scientists in identifying this historical fact.
This year marks the 105th anniversary of the birth of Kayum Mukhamedkhanov, a scientist, textologist, public figure, author of the anthem of the Kazakh SSR and more than 1000 scientific works, who left these great heritage to the younger generation.
The Round Table was attended by Vice-Rector for social development of the University Nurlanov Chingiz Nurlanovich, head of the Research Center «Hakim Abay», abaytologist Zhabal Shoynbet, president of the Kayum Mukhamedkhanov Foundation, daughter of Kayum Mukhamedkhanov - Dina Kayymovna Mukhamedkhanova, doctor of philology, professor. shakerimologist Baltabay Abdygazievich, professor of Kojatepe University in Turkey Hüseyin Kahraman Mutlu will take part.
Date: December 10, 2021, .15.00-16.00
Venue: Main Building, 3rd floor. «Hall of Ruhani zhangyru» 320 rooms
For more information: +7 747 052 99 04