About us | ![]() Movkebayeva Zulfiya Akhmetvalievna
VITA Born, graduated from high school and University in Almaty. He has been working at the University since 1991. Professor of the Department of special education, Director of the Resource Advisory center for inclusive education for universities of Kazakhstan and the Virtual laboratory of inclusive education. The H-Index=1. Member of the Public Council of the basic organization of CIS member States for training, retraining and advanced training of teachers and specialists in the field of inclusive and special education (2019, 2020), developer of a number of state regulatory documents ("Rules on special preschool organizations", "Rules on the organization of speech therapy assistance"), author of state standard programs of preschool education for children with speech and intelligence disorders, textbooks and teaching AIDS for special schools on " literacy Training», "The world around" (2002-19). Member of editorial boards of scientific and methodological journals: "Naukovyi chasopys" (Kiev, Ukraine), "Special education" (Ekaterinburg, Russia), "Handbook of head schools", "directory of the head of the preschool organization", "the Handbook of the class teacher", Vestnik KazNPU named after Abaya series "Special pedagogy", etc. Chairman of the dissertation Council on the specialty "6D010500-Defectology".
SUBJECTS TAUGHT (list by level of training) Magistracy: "Actual problems of inclusive education", "Actual problems of inclusive education". Doctoral study: «Analysis and forecasting of the development of the system of training and education of children with the SEN in the RK».
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY- research Topics: inclusive education, special preschool and school education of children with intellectual and speech disabilities, training of students with disabilities in higher education, distance learning, training of teachers-defectologists, training of teachers to work in an inclusive education. Developer and Manager of a number of research projects on an intra-University grant (2013-15, 2018-20) Ongoing project: 1. Project Manager for the grant of MES RK on the theme: "the formation of the distance learning environment of the University for learning disabled (fixed) disabled students" (2018-2020) 2. The head of the Kazakh-Russian project with the HSE (Moscow, Russia) on the theme: "Starting inequality of people with disabilities and the learning environment in the University" (2019-20 biennium) 3. Head of the intra-University project on the topic: "Scientific and methodological support of inclusive education in higher education" (January 2020 - December 2020). Under her leadership, 3 PhD dissertations on special pedagogy (defectology) were successfully defended. Has more than 350 publications, there are publications in rating scientific publications (Thomson Reuters, SCOPUS, RSCI): 1 The professional competence of teachers in inclusive education. - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Journal (ISSN: 1877-0428) - Cyprus- ICER, 2013. (Оралканова И., Убайдуллыкызы Э.) 2 The development of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan//BULLETIN DEUROTALENT-FIDJIP Editions du JIPTO ) (Romilly sur SeineISSN: 2101-5317. - 2014. - №4. - С. 8-11.Импакт - фактор по РИНЦ = 0,69. 3 Movkebayeva Z.A., Oralkanova I.A., Mazhenov B., Beysenova A., Belenko O. The model of formation of readiness of teachers to work in conditions of inclusive education// International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. - ISSN: 1306-3065.-№11.-2016 4 Movkebayeva Z.A., Kabdyrova A., Duzelbayeva A., Denissova I., Tynybayeva L.Students attitude towards co education with disabled people in higher education institutions Journal of Entrepreneurship Education. - 2017. - Vol.20. - Iss.3. - Р.11. 5 Movkebayeva Z.A., Hamitova D., Zholtayeva G. Teachers Attitude Towards Disabled Students of Distance Learning Departments at Higher Educational Institutions - Atlantis Press - Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 114. - 2019. - P. 379-383.
SCIENTIFIC and METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES - head of the project "professional Development on the basis of the Resource center for inclusive education of UMO-GUP in the field of education "Pedagogical Sciences" of the RMS on the basis of Abai KazNPU, expert of the National scientific and technical center, expert of the Independent accreditation and rating Agency (NAAR), etc. She has 5 monographs, 2 author`s certificates, more than 40 scientific and methodological manuals. From them: 1 Monograph "Organization of special conditions for disabled students in higher education institutions" - Almaty: IP "Sagautdinova", 2020. -89 p. 2 Monograph " Inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects. - Almaty: IP "Sagautdinova", 2019. -190 p. 3 Textbook "Basics of speech therapy: tables and diagrams". - Almaty: IP Sagautdinova, 2019. - 172 p. 4 The textbook "Arnie Zhane Bilim berude ethnopedagogical TRL". - Almaty: IP Sagautdinova, 2019. - 147 p. (et al. With A. B. Duzelbaeva) 5 textbook "Methods of scientific research in special pedagogy and psychology". - Almaty: IP Sagautdinova, 2019. - 145 p. AWARDS - winner of the title and grant "Best University teacher 2013", a breastplate "Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn elimin tamotia Republic enbegi ushin" (April 2, 2019), the Honorary diploma from the Minister of education and science (August 2018), diplomas of the rector of KazNPU named after Abay (2013, 16, 19), KazNPU medal. Abay " Uzdik ustaz "(2014), 90th anniversary medal of Abay Kazakh pedagogical University (October 18, 2018), letters of thanks from the Minister of the Republic of Belarus (2017), NGOs, education departments, etc.
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