About us | ![]() Zhalmagambetov Erlanbek Adilbekovich
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY A native of the city of Kyzylorda. Graduated from secondary school №4 named after S. Seifullin. In 2004 he graduated from high school and entered the specialty of a history teacher at Korkyt Ata KSU7 Graduated from the university with honors. In 2008 he entered Korkyt Ata KSU on the specialty 6M011400-History. In 2010, after master`s degree, he entered Abai KazNPU on the specialty 6D020300-History.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES Bachelor`s Degree - Auxiliary Historical Disciplines, Archeology, Ancient History of Kazakhstan, Ethnology, Modern History of Kazakhstan, Medieval History of Kazakhstan.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - 1 Malaria and ways to tackle the it in Kizilorda in 20th of XX century// Materialy VII mezinarodni vedecko-prakticka konference "Vedecky prumysl evropskeho kontinentu-2011", Praha 2011, 72-74 p.p. 2 "Everyday Life in the City of Kyzylorda and Almaty in the 20-30-s of the XX Century (State Health Services)"// World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. № 75, 2013, 3 Бесінші жалпықырғыз (қазақ) сьезін даярлау жөнінде// Қоғам және дәуір. №3, 2011, 125-129 б.б. 4 «Кеңестік Қазақстан астанасының Ақмешіт қаласына ауыстырылуы (А.Кенжин комиссиясының материалдары бойынша)»// Отан тарихы. №3, 2011 , 155-162 б.б. 5 "History of the Construction of the Capital ofKazakhstan First Experience: Service and its Outcome"// Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 15 (3): 2013. ISSN 1990-9233, © IDOSI Publications, 420-428p.p.
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES 1 . Author and developer of an educational program in the direction of training teachers in the humanities. 6В01615-History 2. Author and developer of an educational program in the direction of training teachers in the humanities. 6В01615-History-Foundations of Law 3. I am a member of the State Unitary Enterprise in the direction of history at the Abay KazNPU.
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