About us | ![]() Ermukanov Erkin Nuratdinovich
Ermukanov Erkin Nuratdinovich born 1962, Atyrau region. In 1989 he graduated from the Faculty of History of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai with a degree in history, Soviet law and social studies. In 1989-1993, he was a research intern, postgraduate student at the Department of History of the Kazakh SSR, Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai. In 1993, he graduated from graduate school and defended his dissertation on the topic "Problems of the history of the 1916 uprising. (1914-early 1917 based on materials from the Akmola and Semipalatinsk regions)." After defending his Ph.D. thesis, he was hired as a teacher in the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Faculty of Humanities. From 1993 to 2018 - teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan University. 2018-2020 - Head of the Department of World History. From September 2020 to the present - Associate Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan named after Academician T. S. Sadykov.
DISCIPLINES TAUGHT Bachelor`s degree: New history of Kazakhstan Sources on the history of Kazakhstan Culture of Kazakhstan in modern times
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY Problems of the history of the national liberation uprising of 1916 in Kazakhstan Research topics: deals with the history of national liberation uprisings in Kazakhstan in the 19th - early 20th centuries, sources on the history of Kazakhstan, problems of the history of the Alash intelligentsia in the 20-30s of the 20th century
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES 1. Yermukanov Y., Khamzina Z., Buribayev Y., Alshurazova A. Is it possible to achieve gender equality in Kazakstan: Focus on employment and social protection // International Journal of Discrimination and the Iaw, 20, 2020, pp. 5 -20. 2. Yermukanov Y., Khamzina Z., Suteeva C., Turlykhankyzy K., Kuttugalieva A. Analysis of the Possibilities for Improving the Environmental Legislation of Kazakhstan // Ronteirast his link is disabled, 2021, 10, pp.78-88 3. E.N. Ermukanov "1916 zhylgy mausymdagy Zharlyktyn zhariyalanu tarihynan" // Abai at. KazҰPU Khabarshysy "Tarikh zhane sayasi-Aleumettik gylymdar series, No. 1, 2021, 15-21 b. 4. E.N. Ermukanov, B. Zhumagulov, D. Salkynbek. Elimizdegi 1921-1922 zhyldardagy ashtyk: sebebi men saldary // Abai at. KazҰPU Khabarshysy "Tarikh zhane sayasi-aleumettik gylymdar series", No. 2, 2021, 61-69 b. 5. 3.E.N. Ermukanov 1916 zhylgy ult-azattyk koterilis tarihynyn kaybir masseleleri (Semey oblysy materialdary boyynsha) // Elken Altai Alemi, Khalykaralyk gylymi magazine, No. 5, 2019 ,100-108 b. 6. 4. E.N.Ermukanov Sultandar B.Karataev pen A.Seidalinderdin "Kyrgyzdar zhonindegi zhazbalaryndagy" 1916 zhylgy ult-azattyk koterilis tarihynyn maseleleri //Abai at. KazҰPU-dyn "Tarikh zhane sayasi-aleumettik gylymdar" series, No. 1, 2019, 299-305 b. 7. E.N.Ermukanov, Kh.A.Suteeva Kazakhstan tarikhyn zerttegen ХVІІІ-ХХ ғг. bases of resales tarikhnamanyn theory-methodology negizderi // Abai at. KazҰPU Khabarshysy "Tarikh zhane sayasi-aleumettik gylymdar series", No. 2, 2020, 412-418 b.
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