24.09.2013 The event was attended by: Chief Consul of Germany - Michael Grau, director of DAAD Information Centre of Almaty Michael Jaumann, President and Rector of the KNU-Prof. Dr. Gerlach, Cultural Attache, Mr. Richter, Deputy. Director of Strategic Planning and Information Technology RK-Ms.Abylaikhan A.President of DSM-Mr. Nurbek S., Director of the Goethe Institute Almaty Ms. Frankel-Thonet, Director Language Department, Goethe Institute, Ms. Becker, German Economy Representation in Central Asia - Mr. Hatch, Director of the Konrad Adenauer - Amos Helms, Director of the Robert-Bosch - Stephanie Dufour, Director of the Friedrich-Ebert - Mr. Teshendorf, Head of the German house - Mrs. Hatch, Representative ZFA - Ms. Voych, DAAD Lecturer - Dr. Janusz-Pavletta, prof. Dr. Tess, prof. Dr. Lohmann, prof. Lem, Language Assistant DAAD - Jacob Hedderih, head of the DAAD for Central Asia and the Caucasus, Mr. Kai Franke, as well as students of KNU,and from the KazNPU named after Abai attended First Vice KazNPUnamed after Abai - Professor, Academician others. M.E Ermaganbetov, Vice President for Research KazNPU named after Abai professor, Dr. V.N.Kosov, Head of International Cooperation KazNPUnamed after Abai- Prof. Dr.-N.A Abuyeva, Director of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education KazNPU named after Abai Professor Dr. Ayapova, teacher of German Institute of Philology and multilingual education KazNPU named after Abai-N.Z. Nurtayev and students KazNPU named after Abai. |