About us | ![]() Sultanova Kundyz Zholdasbaevna
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY 2003-2008. graduated from the Kazakh National Pedagogical University.Abaya is an Engineer by profession. 2008-2010 She studied for a master`s degree in Physics, and for a doctorate in the 2017-2020 academic year. Works at KazNPU named after Abai. He has more than 20 published scientific papers. Combines scientific and teaching activities.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT General Physics, Electro and Magnetism, Molecular physics, electronics, Atom, atomic nucleus and solid state physics
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications Investigation of the plane vibration of an elastic plate with a kinematic vibration protection system
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY-research topics, number of publications In foreign journals with a non-zero impact factor (ImpactFactor): 1. Kuatbay Bissembayev, Zhadra Omyrzhanova, Kundyz Sultanova. «Oscillations specific for the homogeneous rod like elastic structure on the kinematic absorber basis with rolling bearers having straightened surfaces»//Mechanisms and Machine Science, Vol. 68, 2019, pp. 187-195. (Scopus, SJR: 0,2) Апробированы в отечественных и зарубежных международных научных конференциях: 2. Сұлтанова Қ.Ж., Бисембаев Қ.Б. «Жоғары дәрежелі айналу беттерімен шектелген теңселмелі тірекке орнатылған дірілден қорғау қондырғысының тербелісін зерттеу» //"ПЕДАГОГИКАЛЫҚ БІЛІМ БЕРУДІҢ ЗАМАНАУИ ТРЕНДТЕРІ"атты Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференциясының еңбектері. Қазақстан, Тараз, 2019 жыл, 26 желтоқсан84-90 бет. ККСОН МОН РК 3. Bissembayev K., Sultanova K. «Study of forced vibrations transition processes of vibration protection devices with rolling-contact bearings» //AL-FARABI KAZAKH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science № 1 (105) рр129-145 //2020
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