13.11.2017 The seminar-training "Kazakhstan`s way: Mangilik el" at Abai KazNPU On the eve of the celebration of the First President Day of the RK and Kazakhstan Independence Day the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbassy in the framework of the project of the exit exhibition "N. Nazarbayev: Epoch. Personality. Society " in Almaty organized scientific and educational events. On 13 November, 2017, as one of the items of this project, at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University took place a seminar-training "Kazakhstan`s way: Mangilik el" for students and teachers. The seminar - training is an integral part of the " Phenomenon of Leader" model, created within the framework of the national idea "Mangilik el", the political and managerial experience of the head of state, the educational project of the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbassy. The course of seminars and trainings to develop leadership skills and critical thinking skills, are also aimed at increasing the patriotic feelings of Kazakhstan`s youth and the formation of civil responsibility. The implementation of the project, presented by the Library of the President, has become an important mechanism for strengthening and developing Kazakhstan`s youth identity, raising the level of its citizenship in society. The deputy director of the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbassy Amirbek Rakhymzhanov, who opened the training seminar, focused on the works and leadership qualities of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on the path to the establishment of the Independent State. Substantial lectures of Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Gaziz T. Telebayev, candidate historical sciences Sagyntay K. Berdagulova on the topics "History and heritage on the way "Mangilik el"", "Independence and national security ", "Industrialization and the society of universal labor ", "National unity, common history and higher spirituality" and trainings of candidates of pedagogical sciences, associate professors Kunsulu S. Isinova and Kunziya A. Umbetova on the theme "Three components of the conceptual model "The World of Elbassy": "Personality", "Politician", "Creator" (Political philosophy of the head of state)" aroused great interest. During the seminar-training at Abai KazNPU was held an exhibition of Elbassy books and works about the Head of State. Rector of the University, Professor Takir Balykbayev thanked the staff and lecturers of the President`s Library for seminar-training.
Department of Public Relations