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Cooperation between a higher education institution and a school


On January 16, 2024, a branch of the Department of Chemistry, the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, KazNPU named after Abai was opened in gymnasium school №13 located in the Auezovsky district of Almaty. The organizers are responsible for educational, methodological and research work: Associate Professor Zulfiya Unerbaeva, senior lecturer Luisa Nugmanova. Participants: Director of the Institute Kulyash Kaymuldinova, Head of the Department of Chemistry Zhazira Mukataeva, professors-teachers.

The purpose of organizing this event is the most important form of mutual cooperation between the university and the school. In the course of training, it is planned to increase the practical orientation of students in improving the quality of training of modern competent specialists. Conducting joint scientific and methodological research with the university and implementing the results of research work is aimed at analyzing the degree of effectiveness of methodological work.

Professor of the Department of Chemistry Zhenis Shokybaev, director of the Institute, Professor Kulyash Kaimuldinova cut the ribbon of the opening of the branch. The educational and methodological, scientific and research work of the oznokom branch was led by the head of the Department of Chemistry, Associate Professor Zhazira Mukataeva.

A concert was held, organized by students of the gymnasium school. The young talents performed an incendiary song, performed kui on dombra and danced. The high school students showed fascinating chemical experiments. At the end of the event, the guests thanked the students who organized such a wonderful concert.







