Currently, the discussion of the problem of online and offline learning remains relevant. In this regard,the Department of foreign languages No. 2 of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics is organizing an international student debate tournament on the topic "online and offline learning, which is the best learning option?".This international debate will be attended by a team of debaters from Abai KazNPU.
Team members:
Russian Economics University named after G. V. Plekhanov
KazNPU named after Abai.
The British publishing house "Macmillan" and the international youth organization "AIESEC"
Armine Eduardovna (Russian University of Economics named after G.V.Plekhanov)
Kazyna Asanovna (Abai KazNPU)
Bayan Oralhanovna (Abai KazNPU)
Date: October 30.
Start: 10: 30 Moscow time.
We sincerely hope that this debate will be fun and very memorable!