қазақша · русский · english

To the attention of students!


Based on the results of the winter examination session of the 2024/2025 academic year, a competition is being announced to award vacant educational grants. Documents are being accepted for consideration by the commission for awarding vacant educational grants in various specialties (information on the number of grants in the field of specialties is attached).


Candidate requirement:
Students and undergraduates of the paid department who do not have academic debt can apply for the vacant position of state educational grants.
1) An application addressed to the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) An application addressed to the rector of KazNPU named after Abai.


The documents are submitted to the Dean`s Office of academic Faculties by January 13, 2025 in online format. (Supplement to the acceptance of documents for the award of vacant educational grants).


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