15.08.2020 Webinars with participation of leading domestic and foreign specialists
In order to disseminate good practices of inclusive education in Resource and Advisory centre on inclusive education for universities of Kazakhstan, created DHPE MES from 05.06.2015 year, operates a Virtual laboratory for inclusive education. Within the framework of the Virtual laboratory, online webinars are regularly held with the participation of leading domestic and foreign specialists.
Speaker: well-known Russian scientist Aysmontas Bronius Bronevich, Ph.D., Professor of the Department of psychology and pedagogy of distance learning at the Moscow state psychological and pedagogical University, Winner of the Government of the Russian Federation award in the field of education, Honorary worker of Higher education of the Russian Federation.
Link to the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82006734545?pwd=dDJSeGNKZE9qdnpudFVxVUg4RkpvUT09
Conference ID: 820 0673 4545 Password: 504105