About us | ![]() Satbay Gulnaz Kuandykkyzy
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY She was born on 4 July, 1975 in the Irgiz district of the Aktobe region. In 1992 she graduated from the Cominter high school. In 1992-1997. studied at the Faculty of Humanities of Ondokuz Mayis University, Republic of Turkey, specialty "Turkish language and literature" In 2016 she received a diploma "Master of Pedagogical Sciences" in the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" at the University of Foreign Languages and Business Career, Almaty. Since 2001 she has been working as a senior lecturer at the department of oriental philology and translation at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES In Bachelor`s Degree: Basic Oriental Language, Second Foreign Turkish) Language, Teaching Methodology of a Second Foreign (Turkish) Language, Intercultural Communication SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY Author of 25 scientific, scientific and methodological articles on the Turkish language. 1 article published in journals with impact factor
AWARDS In 2018, she was awarded the jubilee medal "Abai atyndagy kazak ulttyk pedagogikalyk universitetine 90 zhyl" for her contribution to the development of the university. In 2021, she was awarded the badge "Үздік Ұстаз" for the merits of the professional training of specialists.
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