About us | ![]() Orazova Raya Kadisovna
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY She was born in 1964 in the East Kazakhstan region. In 1981 she graduated from secondary school No. 5 in Almaty. In 1982 she entered the Arabic department of the Faculty of Philology of the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov and graduated in 1987. Experience, length of service: 34 years in the field of education, teacher of Arabic language and literature and Kazakh language. From 1988 to 1996 she worked as an Arabic teacher in schools No. 45, No. 145, No. 138 in Almaty, deputy director for educational work, head of the methodological center for foreign languages. From 1996 to 1998 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Oriental Languages at Abylai Khan University. From 1998 to 2000, she completed an internship at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. Since 2001, senior lecturer at the Department of Oriental Philology of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. She has about 80 certificates, including many advanced training courses, master schools, certificates from a number of foreign educational centers: China (2011), Egypt (1998, 2014, 2016), UAE (2015, 2019), Morocco (2018). The basic principle is that the more languages you know, the more human you become. "Know the seven languages, learn the seven senses."
DISCIPLINES TEACHED: БНШТ; қазіргі шығыс тілінің морфологиясы, шығыс тілінің синтаксисі, тіл тарихы, теориялық және практикалық фонетика, грамматика, араб әдебиеті. БОИЯ, морфология современного восточного языка, синтаксис восточного языка, история языка, теоретическая и практическая фонетика, грамматика языка, арабская литература и т.д.
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES: Comparative and contrastive typology of languages, methods of teaching Oriental languages, Published more than 110 articles in domestic and foreign publications, participated in international and national conferences, author of two textbooks ("Plural Numbers in Arabic"; "Generalizing Lesson after Grammar Material" in 2010), one monograph Arabic and Kazakh languages 2015. As well as a co-author of a monograph ("Historical and cultural relations of Kazakhstan with the countries of the Far East in the context of linguistic comparativeists" 2013) and a manual for school teachers ("Kazakh literature" for grade 10, "Kazakh literature" - grade 11 - Part 2; 2016), according to which she is the owner of two copyright certificates. 1.һ«Historical experience of education collaboration enhancement: a case study turkey and kazakhstan» Электронный PalArch s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology, Vol. 18 No.08 (2021), 3390-3395. Получено сhttps://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/9469 08.2021. 2.һТуыстық атаулар жүйесіндегі бірқатар әлеуметтік-мәдени көріністер. печатный «Восток и Запад: диалог культур» ха конф-я Македония, Костовер 19.12.20. (онлайн) 3.һМодернизация педагогической практики в системе формирования будущих учителей в современном образовании печатный Журнал СКОПУС, Германия (соавторы ...) 04.09.2020 4.Основы формирования универсальных учебных действий младшего школьника. (соавторы:) печатный ВАК РФ Педагогический журнал том 9 №6А, 2019 Московская обл. г. Ногинск.Том9 №6А, 2020г. 232-241стр. 0,375 5.Педагогический феномен как универсальные учебные дейстия младшего школьника. электронный ISSN 2311- 2158, The Way of Science, International scientific journal «Путь науки», Волгоград. №9 (55) 2018. 56-61 стр.
AWARDS: The owner of the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2017) and the medal of the 90th anniversary of Abai KazNPU (2018) and the medal "Best Teacher" (2019). Awarded with a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019). She also received many other letters of thanks and diplomas: letters of thanks from the institute, Abay University, Farabi University, Abylai khan University, South Kazakhstan University, letters of thanks from Republican public and foreign cultural centers and schools of the city.
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