Departement of Russian language and literature | ![]()
The Department of Russian Language and Literature has a high scientific potential. The department has seven doctors of sciences, 15 candidates of sciences, 12 PhD doctors, 10 masters, seven teachers, one post-doctoral student. Among the young teachers there are five fellows of the international Bolashak program in 2022 and 2023 (acting associate professors Sabirova D.A., Serikova S.K., Yerzhanova F.M., lecturer Umarova A.B., PhD Zhandykeeva G.E.). Eight teachers of the department are nominees for the grant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the title "Best Teacher of University" (prof. Abisheva S.D., Kazhigalieva G.A., Musataeva M.Sh., Safronova L.V., Shaibakova D.D., Shakhanova R.A., acting professor Ibraeva J.B., acting associate prof. Sabirova D.A.; including prof. Musataeva M.Sh., Safronova L.V. - twice), one - "The best teacher of Abai KazNPU" in the nomination "Innovative teaching skills" (acting prof. Ibraeva Zh.B.), two teachers are holders of the State Scientific Scholarship "For outstanding contribution to Science" (prof. Abisheva S.D., Musataeva M.Sh.), one - the owner of the state scientific scholarship "For young scientists" (acting associate professor Sabirova D.A.), one was awarded the title of "The Best researcher of the CIS", was awarded the A.S. Pushkin Medal (prof. Musataeva M.S.).
The pedagogical staff the department takes an active role in the development of scientific projects at the international and national levels. In 2023, the teachers of the department worked on 9 scientific projects: 2 international (prof. Abisheva S.D., acting associate professor. Sabirova D.A. and Serikova S.K.; acting associate professor. Sabirova D.A., master Moldagali M.) and 7 scientific projects funded by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (acting associate professors Baishukurova G.Zh., Yerzhanova F.M., Sabirova D.A., PhD Sametova Zh.Sh., Zhanysbekova E.T., Baizhigit B., master Baibolov A.U.), including five within the framework of the "Zhas Galim" project.
The research and educational work of the faculty of the department, in particular the active participation of teachers in various scientific events both in Kazakhstan and abroad, the creation of textbooks for schools of the republic, is aimed at maintaining the high image of the university.
In this regard, it should also be noted the active cooperation of the department with schools, the "Almatykitap Baspasy" publishing house, Roscollaboration and the Consulate General of Russian Federation in Almaty, the work of the faculty of the department as jury members at school Olympiads, competitions, scientific projects of school students, etc.
In 2023, according to the results of scientific research of the faculty, 130 scientific articles were published, including in the journals of the Scopus database - 10, in foreign publications - 57, in the publications of the CQASHE of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 18, in conference materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other journals - 45. One monograph, two textbooks, one methodical manual and two workbooks for schools have been published; seven textbook-anthologies, two textbooks, one teaching aid for universities.
Traditionally, once every 3 years, the department organizes an International scientific and theoretical conference "Problems of Poetics and poetry". On May 23-25, 2024, the jubilee X conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War veteran, writer, scientist, teacher Adibaev H.A. will be held. The strategic partner of the department - the Pomeranian University of Slupsk (Poland) will act as a co-organizer.
Among the significant events held annually by the department, it should be noted the International scientific seminar of young scientists "Abai: philosophy, poetics, reception" (jointly with Abai Center of Kazakh Culture and Science at Pomeranian University of Slupsk, Poland), the Day of Teaching Staff reports, the Republican seminar for teachers with international participation "Topical issues of teaching Russian language and literature at school and university", international online and offline meetings of a scientific and educational nature, evenings in the literary lounge "I discovered a poet..." (together with the representative office of Roscollaboration in Almaty, students of the specialized lyceum №165 in Almaty, "Almatykitap" publishing house), advanced training courses for teachers of schools of the republic "Fundamentals of philological education".
The scientific work of the faculty of the department is used in the management of the research work of students, undergraduates, doctoral students: the topics of theses, dissertations, reports at student conferences, competitions correspond to the scientific interests of the heads of the department, the direction of the scientific projects being developed in general.
Students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the department participate in scientific conferences both in the country and abroad, publish articles in Kazakhstani and foreign scientific journals.
Every year, philology students take part in the Republican Olympiad in Russian language and Literature, the Republican competition of student scientific papers and take prizes.
Three scientific seminars are held at the department on a monthly basis (teaching staff - prof. Kazhigalieva G.A.; undergraduates - professor Shaibakova D.D.; doctoral students - professor Safronova L.V.). There are four circles: "Actual problems of literary criticism" (head Ibraeva Zh.B.); local history (head Irgebaeva A.B.); "Literary life" (head Baibolov A.U.); literary living room "I discovered a poet" (head Abisheva S.D.).
Plan of research work of the department
Annual report on research and development work
Modern educational technologies for teaching literature using elements of fairy tale therapy