қазақша · русский · english
Legal Department
     Zheldybaeva Ainash Zhamalidenovna
    Head of Legal Department

    13, Dostyk ave.


    The main purpose of the Department is to organize, manage and control legal work and public procurement to ensure the comprehensive activities of the Company «Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University» (hereinafter referred to as the Company).


    To achieve the main goal, the Department is assigned certain tasks and defined functions:

    1) task: ensuring compliance with the rule of law in the Company`s activities.


    - plans Management activities, performs managerial functions aimed at high-quality and effective performance of tasks assigned to the Company;

    - analyzes information and other materials on legal work, draws up analytical reports on them, submits questions to the Company`s officials for consideration, takes measures to eliminate identified shortcomings and improve legal work within its competence;

    - considers requests from individuals and legal entities on issues falling within the competence of the Department;

    2) task: protection of property and other interests of the Company by legal means.


    - represents the interests of the Company in accordance with the established procedure in state bodies, courts, as well as other organizations when considering legal issues of the Company`s activities;

    -тorganizes the claim process and analyzes its status.

    3) task: organization, coordination, provision and control over the implementation of public procurement of the Company in accordance with the legislation on public procurement.


    - on the basis of the budget and information provided by the Company`s structural divisions, it develops an Annual Plan for Public Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services, makes changes and additions to it, and publishes it on the public procurement web portal;

    - prepares and coordinates draft orders, protocols, contracts and other documents on public procurement of goods, works and services;

    - performs legal expertise of documents related to the organization of public procurement;

    - within the time limits established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, prepares draft responses to requests from potential suppliers for clarification of the provisions of tender documentation (except for technical specifications) in the implementation of public procurement of goods, works and services within the competence of the Department;

    - prepares announcements, explanations on tender documentation (except for technical specifications) and other information required for posting on the public procurement web portal;

    - sends information to the authorized body for inclusion of suppliers recognized as unfair participants in public procurement in the register of unfair participants in public procurement in accordance with the procedure established by law;

    - places announcements, minutes, reports, and other information on public procurement activities provided for by law on the web portal of public procurement;

    - supervises the submission and return of collateral for competitive bids and the execution of public procurement contracts;

     -provides advisory services to the Company`s structural divisions on public procurement issues;

    - participates in public procurement commissions for goods, works and services;

    4) task: legal expertise of contracts concluded by the Company.


    - participates in the development of contracts, performs methodological management of contract work;

    - takes measures to ensure timely and correct conclusion of contracts, accounting for the fulfillment of contractual obligations, applying liability measures to suppliers of goods, works or services that improperly fulfilled their obligations under the contracts;

    5) task: participation in the development of draft regulatory acts of the Company and other documents on legal issues.


    - on behalf of a member of the Management Board of the Company - the Vice-Rector for Administrative and Financial Activities of the Company, develops regulatory acts on legal issues falling within the competence of the Company;

    - checks drafts of legal acts initiated by the Company for compliance with the requirements of the legislation, approves them, and in cases of their non-compliance with the current legislation, makes proposals to eliminate the identified comments within the established time limit;

    - conducts legal expertise of draft orders of the Chairman of the Management Board - Rector of the Company, as well as documents related to the activities of the Company`s structural divisions within the competence of the Department;

    - on behalf of a member of the Management Board of the Company - the Vice-Rector for Administrative and Financial Activities of the Company, participates in the review of draft regulatory legal acts developed by state bodies and organizations that have been submitted to the Company for approval;

    - prepares reports on the Company`s legal work;

    - develops qualification requirements and job descriptions for Management employees;

    6) task: promotion and explanation of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organization of universal legal education.


    - takes measures to organize universal legal education in the Society;

    - convenes meetings and conducts seminars in accordance with the established procedure;

    - on behalf of a member of the Company`s Management Board - the Company`s Vice-Rector for Administrative and Financial Affairs, the Company prepares information materials on the current legislation.

    7) task: Generalization of the practice of applying legislation.


    - monitors regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues falling within the competence of the Department;

    - organizes systematized electronic accounting of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan submitted to the Company.