10.05.2023 I student conference "The World of Chemistry"
On May 4-6, 2023, within the framework of 95th anniversary of Abai KazNPU, the teacher of the Department of Chemistry at the Institute of Natural History and Geography Asem Uzakova conducted I Student Conference "World of Chemistry" of student research organization "Sparkle science of chemistry" in the discipline "Organization of scientific activities of students.
The 2nd year students of the specialties "6B01510-Chemistry" and "6B01512-Chemistry-Biology" conducted research work on their selected topics and defended the final lessons in the format of the conference as a project. Out of 100 research papers, 35 projects met all the requirements. The winners of the 1st place - Zhienbaeva Gulnur with project "Development of speaking, listening ability in learning English" and Kanapiya Zarina with project "Preparation of spirits from natural compounds" were awarded by 10 000 tenge. Four students who took the 2nd place were awarded with 5000 tenge each, and six students who took the 3rd place received 3000 tenge each.