Scientific and research work |
The team of Abai KazNPU congratulates the holders of the title «The best teacher of the university - 2017»: Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Doctor of Philology, Professor Abisheva Saule Dzhunusovna, Director of the Scientific Center «Applied Research and Functional Technologies», Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Vladimir Kosov Nikolaevich, director of the scientific center «Psychology of personality» doctor of psychological sciences, professor Namazbaeva Zhamila Idrisovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher at the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Education Oshanova Nurzhamal Turashovna, Head of the Department of Methods and Theory of Fine and Decorative and Applied Arts Smanova Akmaral Smailovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Doctor of Technical Sciences Turgumbaeva Raushan Khaldarbekovna!
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