About us | ![]() Minaeva Nazgul Minaevna
N.Minaeva works as an Associate professor of the department of philological specialties for foreign students. Being responsible for the scientific and methodological seminar, she actively participates in mastering of modern educational technologies together with colleagues which confirmed by certificates; Also, the department provides with educational and methodological support for their academic subjects (development of educational materials, syllabuses, tests, etc.). N. Minaeva supervises the master`s work. She participates in international scientific conferences, online webinars. She is the head of the teaching practice of students, as well as the advisor of the 2nd year students. N.Minaeva is one of the developers of educational programs "8D017 - Russian as a foreign language" and "6В01704 - Language and literature.Teacher`s training course (Kazakh as a foreign language). These programs are embedded in the educational process.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES Undergraduate degree: 1. Linguocultural aspects of the Russian language ; 2. Stylistics; 3. Fundamentals of the theory of intercultural communication; 4. Methods of teaching the Russian language; 5. Pedagogical technologies of teaching the Russian languag; 6. Methods of teaching literature; 7. Innovative methods of teaching the Russian language; Master`s degree: 1. Linguocultural aspects of the Russian language: 2. Russian mentality and its reflection in Russian literature; 3. Modern technologies of teaching the Russian language.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY 1. Methods of lexical representation of the concept of "tolerance" in English and Kazakh culture. // collective monograph: "Intercultural communication in the context of modern translatology" TUE, Olsten, Poland, 2017, pp. 50-63; 2.CONCEPTS OF "FAITH" AND "KNOWLEDGE" IN THE RELIGIOUS PARADIGM. International Journal of the Republic of Slovenia "Znanstvenamisel" No. 27 2019, pp. 48-52 .; 3. Linguo-philosophical concepts of language as an ideological model. International scientific journal of the Russian Federation "Path of Science"; No. 2 (60) 2019 S. 42-49. Impact factor of the journal "Way of Science" - 0.543 (Global Impact Factor, Australia); 4. Tolerance from the point of view of Mawlana. Bulletin of the Tajik National University ". - 2019. - No. 1. P.208-216. The journal is included in the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES 1. Methodical model of the formation of oral speech skills of future specialists in conditions of multilingualism // KKSON MES RK International scientific journal. "Science and Life", No. 4 (39), 2016 S.218-221 . 2. Development of speech activity of foreign students in the educational process. // Republican magazine "Mektepmereyi - the pride of the school" No. 1 (38) 2018 p.7-9. 3. The use of animated films in the practice of teaching RFL // Scientific and pedagogical journal recommended by KKSON MES RK zhur. "Bulletin of KazNPU them. Abai ", series" Pedagogy and Psychology ". ISSN 2077-6861. No. 1 (38), 2019. S. 155-163. 4. Quantum learning tests with a test form: The Legend of Aesop. The parable of the well // in Sat. New educational and certification technologies in a pedagogical university. The first edition of the Manual for the teaching staff - developers of new forms and methods of educational activities of students of a pedagogical university / Edited by Professor, Ph.D. Balykbaeva T.O. - Almaty: KazNPU them. Abai, Ulagat Publishing House, 2020 - p. 222-228.
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