By the invitation of the rector Abai KazNPU S.Zh. Praliyev, on May 17, 2017 at Abai KazNPU arrived delegation from the Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages (Shaoxing City, China). Members of the delegation: Vice rector Zhu Wenbin, Head of the International Department Wang Jing, Director of the Chinese Language and Culture Institute Liu Jiaxi and Professor of the Chinese Language and Culture Institute Zhou Jinsheng, Head of the Department of Russian Language at the Institute of European Languages Wu Yanqiu. The visit purpose is expansion cooperation between universities, as well as to sign the additional agreement to the main agreement which was signed between universities in 2016.
On May 18, 2017 was held the meeting of Abai KazNPU representatives with this delegation. The meeting was attended by: First prorector M.Y. Yеrmaganbetov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs A.T. Kulsariyeva, head of the International Cooperation Department N.A. Abueva, director of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education B. Abdigaziuly, head of the department of philological specialties for foreign citizens and pre-university training S.B. Begaliyeva, director of the "Kazakh-Chinese Scientific and Cultural Center for Innovative Development and Training" on the base of Abai KazNPU Abzal Muner.
At the meeting were discussed issues of universities cooperation by the double diploma education,students and teachers exchange, upgrading the teaching staff qualifications , joint scientific conferences. Representatives of the Zhejiang Yuexiu University Of Foreign Languages and Abai KazNPU expressed hope for further expansion of collaboration between universities.
At the end of the meeting, to guests were given memorable gifts.