Seminar for military psychologists and training officers
On April 20, 2023, on the basis of the Military Unit 5571 of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after the Hero of the Soviet Union, the guard of Colonel B.Momyshuly located in Almaty, in the military unit of the regional command "Yuzhny", senior lecturer of the Department of "General and Applied Psychology" of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of KazNPU named after Abai, ps.k.n. N.U.Begalieva held a training seminar. The training seminar was held in order to improve the professional qualifications of military psychologists and officers-educators.
At this seminar, Begalieva N.U. gave a lecture on the topic "prevention of suicidal behavior in the practice of a psychologist."During the seminar, the ways to identify and prevent suicidal behavior of soldiers undergoing military service, as well as the scientific, methodological, practical orientation of a specific algorithm for providing psychological assistance to suicides were shown. In addition, the military psychologist was given situational tasks concerning suicidal behavior, answers to questions were given, the problem was discussed in detail and comprehensively. The participants of the training seminar shared their positive feedback on the conduct and content of the seminar.
At the end of the training seminar, professors of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, who assisted in conducting practical training by psychologists of the military units of the Regional Command 5571 "Ontustik" of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, were awarded with a Letter of Thanks to G.B. Nietbaeva, senior teachers S.A. Tukebayeva, N.U. Begaliyeva for training students with a high professional level worthy of their specialty.
The training seminar continued with career guidance work for soldiers.
