Student Spring Week with Abay Arlan
From the 10th to the 15th of April 2023 in celebration of the 95th anniversary of KazNPU named after Abay held a week - "Student Spring with Abay Arlan".
Here is a brief overview of the activities that took place as part of this action week:
April 10: The active week started with the creative game of youth - "Zhaydarman". 8 teams from all institutes of the university competed in a festival format. During the event the best of the best were determined. So, 1st place was awarded to the team of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics "50/50", 2nd - the team of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports "Sozakbay", 3rd - the team of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography "Respect. Gulfariza Zhubatanova from team "Kulmesin koy" was awarded in a nomination "Uzdik kyz oyynshy", and player of "Sozakbai" team Yrimzhan Imangali took a nomination "Uzdik ul oyynshy". Also in the nomination "Un uzdik azil" the team "50/50" became the best.
April 11: Among university institutes held an exciting competition in volleyball, which was attended by 7 teams, who have shown incredible sports skills and determination. As a result the team of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports took the first place, the team of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology took the second place, and the team of the Institute of Natural History and Geography took the third place. In accordance with the rules of the competition the winners were awarded with the certificates.
April 12: seminar-training "Social Lift" was held, where Nurlanov Shyngys, vice-rector for social development of the university, was the speaker. The aim of the seminar-training is to identify the importance of competitive youth in society and promote their personal development. At the event, students were able to express their opinions on the topic and determine which social lift is more suitable for them. At the end of the seminar, the participants were awarded special certificates.
12 April: a drawing competition "The Story of my University", in which talented students took part. A special committee was formed to evaluate their works. First place went to the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, second to the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, and third to the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports.
13 April: KVN games (Russian League) were organised to stimulate creativity among university students. The contestants were evaluated by a panel of judges and the winners were announced in the Grand Prix and I, II and III places. The team "Iron Concrete" from Satpayev University became the winner in the Grand Prix category, I place was taken by the team of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics "Oprelskaya siren", II place - by the team of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports "Anastasia", and III place was awarded to the team "Cosmos". In addition, the team "Balkash" was awarded in the category "Best Player" and the nomination "Audience Favorite" from the Department of Youth Affairs was awarded to the team of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology "Da".
13 April: a football competition was held between institutes, aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and sports among students, where each institute presented its team of boys. According to the results of the game: I place - Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics; II place - Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports; III place - Institute of History and Law.
April 13: held "Workout" competition between the institutes of the university, in which participants demonstrated their abilities on the horizontal bar and horizontal bar. The Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports received a well-deserved award for outstanding achievement; the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography was awarded for the outstanding result on the uneven bars.
April 14: A quiz competition, "Kyzyk eken", was organised to develop attention and intellect and increase interest in intellectual development. Students from seven institutes took part in this quiz. As a result, the Institute of Philology won first place, second place was awarded to the Institute of History and Law, and third place went to the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.
April 14: "What? Where? When?" quiz competition was organized for Russian-speaking audience of our university. According to the results of the intellectual game I place was taken by the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, II place was taken by the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, and III place was awarded to the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.
April 15: The competition "The Best Student Self-Government" was held, where deputy directors for educational work and chairmen of student government of the institutes took part. According to the results of the competition the first place was taken by the Institute of Natural History and Geography, the second place by the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports, and the third place by the Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics. Also, the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology was awarded in the nomination " En uyimshyl", the Institute of History and Law was recognized as "En Belsendi", and the Institute of Philology - "En Creativti".
April 15: an online contest "Best TikTok and Instagram Reels" was held, which aimed to promote the symbol of our university, Abay Arlan, to a wider audience. During the competition, activists from each institute shot various trending videos of Abay Arlan and published them on their official pages. The uploaded videos garnered a lot of positive feedback, racking up over a thousand views. All the institutions that took part in the contest were awarded special certificates.
Active Student Spring Week with Abay Arlan came to an end with these results. We would like to thank all the participants for their activity and interest in our events!