14.04.2023 Festive evening "Chemical Spring"
On April 12, 2023 within the Decade of Science of Abai KazNPU a festive evening "Chemical Spring" held by 2nd year students of the specialty 6B01510-"Chemistry" of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography. It was organised by Zhanar Zhaksibayeva, Senior Lecturer of the Chemistry Department. The event was attended by the director of the institute, faculty and students.
The theme of the evening was "Retro in the style of the 90s", and the stage was decorated accordingly. The festive event was opened by the Director of the Institute Kulyash Kaymuldinova. Hosts of the evening immersed participants in the history of serious events that took place in the country in the 90s. Spectators who created retro-style images were awarded special prizes.
The students performed various chemical experiments: "Oxygen Volcano", "Chemical Rainbow", "Dry Ice". Interesting games were played with the spectators: "Funt," "Water," "Dance of the atom-molecule. Prizes were presented to the winners. Members of the "Srackle science of chemistry" club, opened in the chemistry department, showed their prepared acts and drew portraits of famous people on filter paper, using phenolphthalein solution in alcohol. The audience was fascinated by what they saw.
Several alumni from the department sent their warmest greetings by video message and thanked their teachers. It was the most enjoyable and exciting moment of the evening. The teachers were excited to see their students. At the end of the evening, the students sang songs and danced, putting them in a festive mood. The audience responded with smiles and applause.