12.04.2023 Contest of projects on biodiversity conservation
On April 10, 2023 in the frames of Science Decade of Abai KazNPU held a competition of projects among masters of the 1st year of specialty "7M01513-Biology" of Institute of Natural History and Geography on the theme "Conservation of biological diversity for sustainable development".
Six teams took part in the competition. At the end of the competition three of them were awarded letters of appreciation for their participation and three teams were awarded prizes. The first place went to the team "Inbio", which proposed the project "Formation of ecological culture and expansion of knowledge on biodiversity of Kazakhstan among the students. The second place went to the team "Eco course" with its project "Implementation of sustainable development efficiency based on biodiversity conservation as a digital resource for students", and the third place went to the team "Eco Start" with its project "Conservation of biodiversity of fauna of Ile-Balkhash Nature Reserve".