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Written civilization of the ancient Turkic era and the ancient Uyghur period of the VI-XIV centuries

On April 5, 2023, within the framework of the Decade of Science, the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports, in the "Zhasampaz" gallery, a photo exhibition "Written Civilization of the Ancient Turkic Era and the Ancient Uyghur Period of the VI-XIV centuries" was held. The event was held within the framework of the project "Artifacts of Turkic writing of the Uyghur Kaganate period as a source for the study of ancient Turkic culture" (2021-2023) carried out by the International Kazakh Cultural Research Institute to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the US Embassy`s Cultural Heritage Conservation Fund.

Representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan, Deputy Advisor on Press, Culture and Education Chad Kinnear and project participants, faculty members from the Department of Art Education, Professor Shaygozova Zhanerke, Senior Lecturer Ibrahimov Aman, Candidate of Historical Sciences Arziev Ruslan, Project Supervisor, Archaeologist Alexey Rogozhinsky and others participated in the opening of the photo exhibition.

The exhibition features 15 unique artefacts of the ancient Turkic era and ancient Uyghur script found on the territory of our country.















