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The research work at the Department of Practical English is carried out both by the faculty of the department and by students and undergraduates. The teachers of the department focus on forming modern knowledge on the basis of continuous education and scientific research.


The department comprises highly qualified specialists, scientists, philologists exploring actual problems of education and science. Young scientists of the department actively engaged in scientific projects of the national and international level.


With the view to improve qualifications and develop scientific potential, teachers extensively participate in seminars organized by National Center for Professional development «Orleu», methodological and language seminars under the German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD), Macmillan courses, and the British Embassy in RK. The department maintains close liaison with Firat University, Pamukkale University, Haji Bayram Veli University, and Akdeniz University in Turkey, along with networking in the scientific and methodological field with other higher educational institutions of near and far abroad. Teachers strengthen the use of the scientific results obtained during the research in the educational process.


Under the guidance of teachers of the department, students and undergraduates are involved in research conferences and olympiads of external, internal, and international levels, winning prizes. On December 2, 2021, guided by the teaching staff, 26 reports were prepared for the 76 annual scientific conferences of students and undergraduates held at the institute level.


The teaching staff of the department has monographs - 3, textbooks for universities - 4, articles in scientific journals with an impact factor - 12, in journals of Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science - 22, in journals of other foreign countries - 35. They also prepared abstract articles for collections of international scientific conferences of the neighboring abroad, in various journals in the Republic of Kazakhstan - more than 150 works.