Closing ceremony of the Republican contest of the art exhibition «The role of Yassawi in the history of Kazakhstan»
Оn February 15, 2023 at the closing ceremony of the republican contest of drawings and exhibitions «The role of Yassawi in the history of Kazakhstan», organized within the framework of the 930th anniversary of the Skin of Akhmet Yassaui, the director of OMSI Iskakov Tairzhan Bakytbaevich, professor of the Department «Art Education» Zhamankaraev S., associate professor Nurbatyrov B.B., head of the Department of «Art Education» Asembayuly E., Director of the Department of Education of Almaty No. 7 of the school house Daulbayev M. M., deputy director of the School House No. 7 Adenova Zh. T. made a welcoming speech and awarded the participants of the competition who won prizes and managers with letters of thanks, diplomas.