About us | ![]() Yessirkepova Indira Yerbatirovna
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY EDUCATION Born 02.12.1987 of the year in South Kazakhstan region. In 2009, she graduated with honors from the philological faculty of the Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University with a degree in Russian language and literature and English. In 2013, she graduated from the master`s degree program of the Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University with a degree in Russian language and literature. The master`s work was based on modular rating technology. Since 2014, he has been a teacher of the Department of philological specialties for foreign citizens of Abai KazNPU. More than 25 scientific papers have been prepared and published. Takes an active part in scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical conferences held in Kazakhstan and abroad. In 2014-2017, his scientific works were published in Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, and Vietnam. In 2014-15, 2 articles were published in scientific journals with a high citation index.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT (list by level of training) 1. Kazakh language (elementary level) 2. Kazakh language (basic level) 3. Kazakh language (Prof.level) 4. Literary reading 5. Country Studies Of Kazakhstan
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research subject, number of publications (specify 5 significant ones) 1. «Обучение русскому языку на основе модульно-рейтинговой технологии» VII international scientific conference of young scientists "Kazakhstan in the international educational space" (KazNPU.Abaya, Almaty 07.04.2015). 2. «Дарынды және талантты студенттердің жоғары жетістіктерге қол жеткізу үшін қолайлы орта жасаудың мәні мен маңызы» KazNPU named afterAbay "Pedagogy and psychology" №2 (39) section "Problems and prospects of education" 2019, page 145-152. 3. «Шеттілді аудиторияларда қазақ тілін оқытудың тиімді әдістемелері». I International book publication of the Commonwealth of Independent States / "the Best young scientist -2020": I international book collection of scientific works of young scientists-Nur-Sultan, 2020g, 40-43str. International scientific and practical conference: "SCIENCE AND EDUCATION in the MODERN WORLD: CHALLENGES of the XXI CENTURY" # 1 17.03.2020 W Nur-Sultan 4. «Білім берудегі әдістемелерді пайдалана отырып шетелдік білім алушылардың қазақ тілдік дағдыларын дамыту». 1. Presentation at the international online conference "Language and culture in the XXI century". 5. Семейные воспитание казахского народа (исторические аспекты и современность). Online presentation "II National parent forum "" Moscow state pedagogical University».
SCIENTIFIC and METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES-research topics, number of publications (specify 5 significant ones) 1. «Метод тестирования в рейтинговом контроле и самооценке» Scientific conference "New technologies in education". June 16, 2015 Krasnoyarsk. 2. Рейтинговая система вид контроля и самооценка. Scientific journal "Progress of modern natural science" №3 2015 (part 3). 3. «Виды контроля и самооценки в рейтинговой системе» Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abaya, series "philological science", №2 (52), 2015. 4. «Использование метода тестирования в рейтинговом контроле» VIIII international conference of young scientists "Kazakhstan in the international educational space" 8 June 2016 5. «Обучение речевому этикету на занятиях по русскому языку с иностранными студентами из стран Юго-Восточной Азии» International Kazakh-Chinese College, 3-methodical-innovative practical seminar on "innovative experience in teaching a foreign language" in the framework Of the strategy " Kazakhstan-2050 "and the Chinese initiative"one belt-one road". Almaty, June 8, 2018.
REWARDS 1. - the Title of "Best educator" in 2016; 2. - the Title of "Young scientist -2020" in 2020
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