Dissertation council |
The defense of the dissertation thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Cao Ran
At the Dissertation Council at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, for the defense and award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in 8D011 - Pedagogy and Psychology directions (6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology), Cao Ran will defend the dissertation thesis on the 6D010300 - Preschool Education and Upbringing educational program on the topic named «Psychological and pedagogical conditions of formation of communicative skills of foreign students in a multicultural educational environment».
The dissertation thesis was completed at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. The type of defense is a dissertation. The language of protection is Russian.
SCIENTIFIC CONSULTANTS: Sarsenbaeva Lyaziza - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Turan University (Almaty, Kazakhstan); Malakhova Irina - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
OFFICIAL REVIEWERS: Kulgildinova Tulebike - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai khan (Almaty, Kazakhstan), (specialty code: 13.00.02); Zhorabekova Ainur - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), associate professor, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University (Shymkent, Kazakhstan), (specialty code: 6D010300 - Pedagogy and Psychology).
TEMPORARY MEMBERS OF THE DISSERTATION COUNCIL: Asipova Nurbubu - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Kyrgyz National University after Jusup Balasagyn (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan); Bulatbayeva Kulzhanat - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief Scientific Associate of Altynsarin Research Institute. (Astana, Kazakhstan); Chaklikova Assel - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-rector for academic work "Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan" (Almaty, Kazakhstan).
The defense will occur on January 24, 2025, at 14.30 p.m. the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Address: 050010, Almaty, Dostyk Avenue, 13, Main academic campus (3rd floor, office 320). Website: https://abaiuniversity.edu.kz/ Contact number: +7(707) 904-07-95
ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/99779074063?pwd=14cEeFKfsDtjkLaLpVDv2inecknzCN.1 ID: 997 7907 4063. Code: 1234 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@abaiuniversity1928
Temporary members of the Dissertation Council Conclusion of the Ethics Commission Video clip from the dissertation defense The order on awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD
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