Dissertation council |
The defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by G.M.Berekbussunova will take place
The dissertation thesis was completed at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. The language of the defence is Kazakh. Type of defense is dissertation.
SCIENTIFIC CONSULTANTS: Almukhambetov Berikzhan - doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Almaty, Kazakhstan); Perulyte Ala - professor, Vytautas Magnus University (Vilnius, Lithuania).
OFFICIAL REVIEWERS: Lekerova Gulsim - doctor of Psychology Sciences, professor, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University (Shymkent, Kazakhstan), (specialty code: 19.00.07); Issayev Abdinabi - doctor of Philosophy (PhD), International University of Tourism and Hospitality (Turkestan, Kazakhstan), ((specialty code: 6D010300- Pedagogy and Psychology).
TEMPORARY MEMBERS OF THE DISSERTATION COUNCIL: Tissen Petr - candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Orenburg State Pedagogical University (Orenburg, Russia); Botagariyev Tulegen - doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, K.Zhubanov Aktobe regional university (Aktobe, Kazakhstan). Zhumagulova Zaure - candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of Secondary Education Contents of the The National Academy of Education named after Ybyrai Altynsarin (Astana, Kazakhstan).
Address: 050010, Almaty, Dostyk Avenue, 13, Main academic building (3rd floor, office 320). Website: https://abaiuniversity.edu.kz/ Contact number: +7(707) 904-07-95
Zoomhttps://zoom.us/j/94935240349?pwd=qvRG4miKSoakffwr27vbbXeCdAcwSo.1 ID: 949 3524 0349 Access code: 1234
Temporary members of the Dissertation Council Conclusion of the Ethics Commission Video clip from the dissertation defense
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