Dissertation council |
The defense of the dissertation for the PhD degree of S.K. Syzdykov will take place
The dissertation council for the defence of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor in the field of specialty 8D023 - Languages and literature (6D020500 - Philology, 6D021400 - Literary Studies) at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University announces the defence of dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of S.K. Syzdykov on the topic «Artistic function of national ethnographic values in the prose of A. Seydimbek» , specialty «6D021400 - Literary Studies»
The dissertation was performed at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
The language of the defence is Kazakh.
SCIENTIFIC CONSULTANTS: Baltabai Abdigaziuly - Doctor of Philology Sciences, professor, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Almaty, Kazakhstan); Kenan Koc - (Phd), Professor, Mugla Sytky Kochman University (Mugla, Turkey).
OFFICIAL REVIEWERS: 1) Zharylgapov Zhansaya - Doctor of Philology Sciences, Professor, Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketov (Karaganda, Kazakhstan); 2) Khudaibergenov Nurbol - PhD, Institute of Literature and Art named after M. Auezov (Almaty, Kazakhstan).
TEMPORARY MEMBERS OF THE DISSERTATION COUNCIL: 1) Soner Saglam - (PhD), docent. University of Pamukkale (Denizli, Turkey); 2) Orda Gulzhakhan Zhumaberdikyzy - Doctor of Philology Sciences, docent, Institute of Literature and Art named after M. Auezov (Almaty, Kazakhstan); 3) Begmanova Bibizhan Seitkhanovna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Kazakh National Pedagogical Women`s University (Almaty, Kazakhstan); 4) Hasanov Bulat Rashidovich - PhD, Assistant Professor, Karaganda University Art named after Academician E. A. Buketov.
The defence will be held on September 17, 2023, at 14.00 a.m. at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Address: 050010, Almaty, Dostyk Avenue 13. The main building (3rd floor, 320 office) the official site: www. kaznpu.kz Contactnumber: +7(775)663-17-71
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/85671957711?pwd=Z2oxR3pmRWNRRnZva0JMR3VCbmd3QT09
Zoom meeting ID number: 856 7195 7711
Meeting code: 707305
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBUJDvtbCbblef5qhUQMMhw
Temporary members of the dissertation council Conclusion of the Ethics Commission Order for the award of a PhD degree
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