Dissertation council |
The defense of the dissertation for the PhD degree of B.A.Bogenbaeva will take place
In the dissertation council for the defence of dissertations for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), a doctor in the profile in the direction: 8D017- Training of teachers in language and literature (6D011700 - «Kazakh language and literature») at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, the defence will be held in the major 6D011700 - «Kazakh language and literature» Bogenbaeva Aigerim Bekturganovna on the topic «Scientifically-methodical bases of language communication through creative thinking(10-11 grades)» will be defended.
The dissertation was performed at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.
The language of the defence is Kazakh.
SCIENTIFIC CONSULTANTS: Orazbayeva Fauziya Shamshievna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University(Almaty, Kazakhstan).
Nezir Temur - Doctor (Phd) , Professor. Gazi University (Ankara, Turkey).
OFFICIAL REVIEWERS: 1) Zhaksylikova Kulyai - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Kazakh National Research Technical University. K. I. Satpaeva (Almaty, Kazakhstan). 2) Duysebekova Zhainagul Muratkyzy - PhD doctor, University named after. Suleiman Demirel (Almaty, Kazakhstan).
TEMPORARY MEMBERS OF THE DISSERTATION COUNCIL: 1) Fikret Türkmen-Doctor of philological Sciences, Professor, (Izmir ,Turkey) 2) Arinova Bakhyt Aituevna -candidate of pedagogic sciences, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan). 3) Amirbekova Aigul Baidibekovna - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Head of the Department of Lexicology of the Institute of Linguistics. A. Baitursynova (Almaty, Kazakhstan).
The defence will take place on March 17, 2023, at 14.00 a.m. at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Address: 050010, Almaty, Dostyk Avenue 13. The main building (3rd floor, 320 office) the official site: www. kaznpu.kz Contactnumber: +7(775)663-17-71
Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85636582654?pwd=VlpEVHYrOWtzS0hIWGxUWmNZaDFLZz09
Conference ID: 856 3658 2654
Access code: 385654
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@abaiuniversity8915
Temporary members of the dissertation council
Conclusion of the Ethics Commission
Order for the award of a PhD degree
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