Dissertation council |
At Abai KazNPU will be held the defense of thesis work for the degree of PhD Doctor of Ye.N. Agranovich
Dissertation Council for the defence of a dissertation for the award of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) with a profile of the speciality: «6D010200 - Pedagogy and methodology of primary education» at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University declare that Agranovich Yelena Nikolaevna defends dissertation for the degree of PhD doctor on the theme «Self-organization of student`s educational activity based on «time management» technology», in the speciality «6D010200 - Pedagogy and methods of primary education».
The defense will take place on February 24, 2021, at 14.00 at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Address: 13 Dostyk Avenue, 050010, Almaty. The main building (3rd floor, office 320) of the site: www.kaznpu.kz
Video from the dissertation defense Order for the award of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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