Dissertation council |
At Abai KazNPU will be held the defense of thesis work for the degree of PhD Doctor of Zh.M. Bitibayeva
Dissertation Council for the defense of dissertation for the award of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) with a profile of specialties: «6D011000-Physics» and «6D060400- Physics» at Kazakh National University Abai declare that Bitibayeva Zhazira Maratovna will defend dissertation for the degree of PhD doctor on the theme «Formation of research skills of future physics teachers in the context of a practice-oriented approach to teaching», in specialty «6D011000- Physics».
Language of defense - Russian.
KazNPU named after Abai invites you to the planned conference: Zoom. Subject: Defense of doctoral thesis Bitibaev Zh.M.
Time: 23 Oct 2020 14:00 Almaty
Connect to the Zoom conference https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81555624328?pwd=NnEyK3prZVQzZGFKZEpibmNQTFdldz09
The conference ID: 815 5562 4328
Video from the dissertation defense Order for the award of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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