Master Classes:
"Қanatty dombyra" concert 2014
To the 50th anniversary of the school for gifted children named after A.Zhubanov 2014
Issyk College of Humanities 2015
№ 7 Almaty School House 2016
Lecture-concert on the theme "Kөi іnerіnің dәstүrlі madenitetegyі" at the University Suleiman Demirel 2016
Concert on the theme "Kүy Oni zhәne tәrbiye" 2017 KazNPU
Concert on the theme "Kүy өnerіnің taғlymy" 2017 in the museum named after Ykylas
Lecture on the theme "Dombar art of Kazakhstan: past, present and future" Tajikistan. Dushanbe July 23-26, 2017. Foundation AGA KHANA
Lecture-concert in the secondary school. O.Zhandosov 04.04.2018
Speeches on radio and television programs:
"Telkogyr", "Іnzhu Marzhan", "Kos Shek", "Kенnenің Kүmbіrі", "Keshkі kezdesu"