About us | ![]() Akpayeva Assel Bakirovna
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY Born on 14.12.1969 in Almaty. Married. Have three children. In 1987, I graduated with honors from school No.56 in Almaty. In 1991 graduated with honors Abay University. After graduating from the University, I had been involved in following teaching and research activities: 01.09.1990-01.06.1991 Primary school teacher №120 Almaty 01.09.1991-01.06.1998-Teacher of the Department of Theory and methods of teaching mathematics and labor training in the primary school at Abay University 01.09.1996 - 01.07.1998 Math teacher of primary classes at ArchimedIskakov`s "Alatau private school", Almaty 01.09.1998-31.03.2001-Training in postgraduate study at Abay University 01.11.2001-01.11.2004-Senior teacher of the Department of Mathematics and methods of teaching at the primary school at Abay University 01.11.2004-30.11.2005 Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Psychological and Pedagogical faculty at Abay University 30.11.2005-01.09.2007 Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and methods of primary education at Abay University 01.09.2007-01.09-2015 Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and methods of preschool and primary education at Abay University 01.09.2015-present Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and methods of primary education at Abay University 15.04.2002- present Author of the Almatykitapbaspasy publishing house (development of the "Mathematics" UMK for grades 1-4, development of the UMK for the formation of elementary mathematical representations of preschool and pre-school training, conducting training seminars)
TEACHING SUBJECTS (list by level of training) Bachelor`s degree: Methods of teaching mathematics at primary school Methods of teaching ICT at primary school ICT Workshops Pedagogical practice of students Master`s degree: Methods of educational programs implementation: Mathematics and ICT
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research subject, number of publications (specify 5 significant ones) Methods of primary education, training of teachers, students motivation. More than 200 publications including: scientific articles, three articles in the Scopus database journal, one article in the Web of science 1. AsselBakirovnaAkpayeva, Natalia Valentinovna Ivanova2, Tatiana Ivanovna Luchina3, Elena Viktorovna Minaeva4, Elena Alexandrovna Zhestkova5 Specifics of Educational Activity Anti-motivation in Future Teachers Subject to the Training Period//International Review of Management and Marketing ISSN: 2146-4405 International Review of Management and Marketing, 2016, 6(S3) 265-269. available at http: www.econjournals.com Special Issue for "Family, Education, Culture: Developmental and Management Characteristics of the Social Institutions and Processes Under Contemporary Conditions"
2. Elena V. MINAEVA, Natalia V. IVANOVA, Olga V. SUVOROVA, Tatiana M. SOROKINA, Assel B. AKPAYEVA Examination of learning anti-motives in elementary school students with content analysis tools //Transilvanian Association for the Literature and Culture of Romanian People (ASTRA) Romania ISSN 2393-4727 ISSN-L 2344-1887 Volume: 6 Year: 2018 Pages: 329-339 3. AsselBakirovna Akpayeva1*, Natalia Valentinovna Ivanova2, Tatiana Ivanovna Luchina3, Elena Viktorovna Minaeva4, Elena Alexandrovna Zhestkova5 Specifics of Educational Activity Anti-motivation in Future Teachers Subject to the Training Period//International Review of Management and Marketing ISSN: 2146-4405 International Review of Management and Marketing, 2016, 6(S3) 265-269. available at http: www.econjournals.com Special Issue for "Family, Education, Culture: Developmental and Management Characteristics of the Social Institutions and Processes Under Contemporary Conditions" 4. PH. D. (C) NATALIA VALENTINOVNA IVANOVA / PH. D. (C) ELENA VIKTOROVNA MINAEVA / DR. OLGA VENIAMINOVNA SUYOROVA / PH. D. (C) OKSANA VYACHESLAVOVNA KOLESOVA / PH. D. (C) ELENA BORISOVNA MAMONOVA PH. D. (C) ASEL AKPAEVA D. (C) VERA TIHONOVNA GRISHINA / PH. D. (C) IRINA KIMOVNA ZAKHARENKO Anti-motivation in the educational activities of elementary school students from the perspective of students and teacher // REVISTA INCLUSIONES ISSN 0719-4706 VOLUMEN 7 - NÚMERO ESPECIAL - JULIO/SEPTIEMBRE 2020 SSN 0719-4706 - Volumen 7 / Número Especial / Julio - Septiembre 2020 pp. 557-569 5. Akpaeva A. B., Lebedeva L. A., Ryskulbekova A.D. Особенности планирования и организации практических занятий по методике преподавания обновленного содержания дисциплины "Математика" вначальныхклассах (Features of planning and organization of practical classes on the method of teaching the updated content of the discipline "Mathematics" in primary classes)// Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abay BULLETIN Series "Physical and mathematical Sciences" No. 1 (69), 2020, pp. 24-31
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES -research topics, number of publications (specify 5 significant) Methods of teaching mathematics, methodological support of the educational process in schools and universities, teaching methodology, trainings at under-filled rural schools. More than 200 publications, including: textbooks, training and teaching manuals, research reports, standard and educational programs. Over 20 Author`s certificates for textbooks and manuals in a period from 2003 to 2014. 1. Akpaeva A. B., Lebedeva L. A., Mynzhasarova M. Zh. Математика. Учебник. Для 3 класса 11-летн.школы. 1 часть Алматы: Алматыкітапбаспасы, 2018. - 100 с. 2. Akpaeva A. B., Lebedeva L. A., Mynzhasarova M. Zh. Математика. Оқулық. Жалпы бiлiм беретiн 11 ж.мектептiн 3-сыныбына арналган оқулық 1 бөлім. Алматы: Алматыкітап баспасы, 2018. - 100б. 3. AkpaevaA. B., LebedevaL. A. Формирование элементарных математических представлений. Рабочая тетрадь №1 (5+) для детей 5-6 лет по Типовой учебной программе дошкольного воспитания и обучения Алматы: Алматы кітап баспасы, 2018. 40 c. 4. AkpaevaA. B., LebedevaL. A. Карапайым математикалық түсініктерді калыптастыру. Жумыс дәптері №1 (5+). Мектепке дейінгі тәрбие мен оқытудың үлгілік оқу бағдарламасы бойынша 5-6 жастағы балаларға арналған Алматы: Алматы кітап баспасы, 2018. 40 c. 5. AkpaevaA. B., LebedevaL. A., MynzhasarovaM. Zh., LikhobabenkoT. V. Математика. Учебник. Для 4 класса 11-летн.школы. 1 часть Алматы: Алматыкітап баспасы, 2019. -152 с.
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