Department of General and Applied Psychology | ![]()
Holding the final conference on the pedagogical practice of psychology students
On February 29, 2024, the final conference of pedagogical practice of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Department of General and Applied Psychology of 3rd-year students of the specialty «6B03111 - Training of practical psychologists» was held from January 22 to February 17, 2024.
The bases of pedagogical practice were grammar schools №6, №34, №206, №53 and secondary schools No. 43, No. 185 in Almaty. The final conference was attended by the head of the department Nietbayeva Gulmira, the organizer of the practice of the department Tukebayeva Saulet, the methodologists of the practice Abisheva Elmira, Akazhanova Alma, Zhigitbekova Bakhyt, Mombieva Gulmira, Kozhakhmetov Dauirkhan.
During the conference, the students showed their work with children in accordance with the plan drawn up under the guidance of experienced teachers and school psychologists. Special attention was paid to the methods of psychological correction, psychological prevention and psychodiagnostics, the development of creativity and socialization of children. During the practice, students conducted master classes on sand therapy, foil therapy, orbises, mccarts, fairy tale therapy, puppet therapy, button therapy. For 11th grade students, the students conducted career guidance work.
Following the results of the pedagogical practice, students and methodologists of the practice were awarded letters of thanks from the practice bases, feedback from school leaders.
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