Departement of Russian language and literature | ![]()
Discussion of the Nation Address of the President
The 2nd year students of the specialties "Russian language and literature", "Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of teaching" (advisors Damina D. Shaibakova and ManatSh. Mussataeva) discussed the Nation Addresses with the concept of education, presented in different years by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan A. Nazarbayevon the 14th of February, 2018.
Professor Damina D. Shibakova made a report on the theme "Problems of education in the Nation Addresses of the President N. Nazarbayev in different years". Future teachers noted that everything that planned in the program of the President, consistently implemented. The students talked about the prospects of development of Kazakhstan`s education, about the processes in which they will participate.
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