Departement of Russian language and literature | ![]()
Holiday of the revival
Students of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education and cadets of the Academy of Border service of the NSCof Kazakhstan organized a concertin honor of Naury on the 30th March, 2018.
PhD doctor and major Olga Zaginailo is a graduater of doctoral studies in the Chair of the Russian language and literature and now she isteachingat the Academy. She prepared the meeting with the young teachers of the Chair of the Russian language and literature Malika Aimagambetova and Elmira Janybekova.
Friendship of student-philologists and cadet-borderguards are creative and fruitful: work on the script of the evening, concert performances with songs and dances, fun contests - all of this allows to our students not only to relax, but also to learn how to creatively approach to any work,and it helps to acquire organizational skills. These abilities will help For future officers and for future teachers in their professional work.
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