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Departement of Russian language and literature

Ages go by, but Pushkin remains!

A literary lounge "Ages go by, but Pushkin remains!" dedicated to the memory of the great poet was held. The meeting was organised by the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Abai KazNPU, Rossotrudnichestvo office in the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty) and Specialised Lyceum No 165.


Maria Simakova, head of the Russian House in Almaty, welcomed the participants of the meeting and told about the events to be held within the framework of the Kazakhstan Pushkiniana.


Eleventh-graders of the lyceum prepared a literary composition about the poet`s work, read his poems.


Eduard Uzenev, the scientific secretary of the State Memorial Historical-Literary and Natural LandscapeMuseum-Reserve of Pushkin "Mikhailovskoye" (Pushkin Reserve), told about the last duel, Pushkin`s death, his burial in the Svyatogorsky Monastery. Concluding his speech, Eduard Alexandrovich gave a congratulatory message from the Director of the Pushkin Reserve Georgiy Nikolaevich Vasilevich.


Irina Yukhnova, PhD., Professor of the Department of Russian Literature at the N.I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University, told about Pushkin`s friendship with Vladimir Dahl, about the poet`s stay in Nizhny Novgorod, and also shared touching memories of the last days of Pushkin`s life and how Dr Dahl looked after the dying poet and how after Pushkin`s death Natalia Nikolayevna gave him a ring with an emerald, which her husband loved very much.


Bahman Boluk Nahjiri, a postgraduate student of Russian language at the University of Tehran (Iran), spoke about translations of A.S. Pushkin`s poems into Iranian.


Concluding the meeting, Saule Abisheva, Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Abai KazNPU , thanked everyone for the meeting, inspired by the genius of A.S. Pushkin, said that A.S. Pushkin`s poems had been translated into Iranian. She said that the spirit of culture and high education brings people together, and the poet`s work helps to live, helps everyone to become a better person.





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