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Departement of Russian language and literature

Successful defence of the doctoral thesis of a student from China

On December 24, 2024 at 10:00 a.m., Li Duo successfully defended her thesis on the educational programme "8D01702 - Russian Language and Literature". The topic of the research: "Video course as an educational technology in Russian language and literature classes".

Members of the dissertation council under the guidance of the chairman, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Abisheva S.D., highly appreciated the relevance, novelty and significance of the research.

Reviewers - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Masyrova R.R., and Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Sametova F.T. - noted the theoretical depth and practical value of the work, wishing the author further creative and scientific achievements.

According to the results of the secret ballot, in which 9 members of the dissertation council took part, Li Duo`s work was unanimously recognised as completed and successfully defended.

We congratulate Li Duo on receiving the PhD degree and her scientific supervisors - a teacher of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Abai KazNPU PhD Erzhanova F.M. and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Al-Farabi KazNU Begalieva S.B.











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