Departement of Russian language and literature | ![]()
Strategic partner of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Abai KazNPU – bronze medallist of the First World Russian Language Championship From 13 to 15 December 2024 in St. Petersburg took place the final stage of the First World Championship in Russian Language, organised by the federal state autonomous scientific institution "Centre for Sociological Research" (the Federal State Autonomous Scientific Institution Center for Sociological Research "Sotsiocentre") with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. 212 teams from 57 countries took part in the championship. Four teams came to the final of the championship.
Almaty was represented at the finish by the team "Az, Buki, Vedi". The team members are eleventh-graders of Specialised Lyceum No 165, a strategic partner of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Abai KazNPU. The coach of the team is Marina Asylbekova, a graduate of the university and a teacher of Russian language and literature.
In the struggle for third place, the team "Az, Buki, Vedi" competed with the team "Energy of the Word", whose participants studied at the Tashkent branch of MEPhI. The lyceum students won bronze at the World Russian Language Championship.
Well-known scholars of philology were members of the championship jury. The teams` performances were evaluated by Alexander Korotyshev, Director of the MAPRYAL Secretariat; Maxim Krongauz, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor at Russian State University and National Research University Higher School of Economics; Alexei Varlamov, Rector of the A.M. Gorky Literature Institute, writer; Ekaterina Tupitsyna, co-founder of the proofreading bureau "Elki-Palki"; Tatiana Karpova, translator of Chinese literature, Candidate of Philological Sciences, lecturer at National Research University Higher School of Economics.
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